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DMG & TMG improving Methylation for those with autism. Thought I would give a “shout out” to two of my FAVORITE supplements.

The supplements that made a huge impact in my sons life. The supplements that made me say, “Wow this biomedical stuff is actually working.”Keep in mind, Anthony only had a hand full of words before we started DMG and TMG.

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And before that, he only started keeping words after we started him on a probiotic. I will discuss that in another post)First off, what is DMG?”  DMG consists of the amino acid glycine attached to two methyl groups, according to physician Ray Sahelian, who specializes in natural supplements. The synthesis of many substances in the body depends on methyl groups, and DMG is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, the essential nutrient choline, the essential amino acid methionine and certain vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Proponents of DMG supplements claim it enhances the immune system, boosts neurological function and athletic performance and helps treat epilepsy and autism, according to the MSKCC.

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Methylation greatly impacts those with Autism spectrum disorder.

Sahelian calls DMG an anti- stress supplement that may have anti- aging effects, ”  Read more here. What is TMG? TMG is an important cofactor in methylation, a process that occurs in every cell of mammals to synthesize and donate methyl groups (CH3) for other processes in the body. These processes include the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin. Methylation is also required for the biosynthesis of melatonin and the electron transport chain constituent coenzyme Q1. Watch The Lesser Evil Mediafire.

Read more here. All very confusing right? Well, let me put it this way. DMG and TMG help with methylation.

With 9. 0% of our kids on the autism spectrum having issues with methylation, which usually result in speech or sensory processing issues, DMG and TMG are great supplements to try. Especially since they have been reported to have a 5. ASD kids.  (read about that here) Now let me tell you about our experience with DMG and TMG…. When we first started seeing Dr. Sletten (Our DAN doctor.) he started Anthony on methyl b- 1. Anthony’s speech and stimming behaviors (toe walking, drooling, repeating words, head dragging. )When we started them I didn’t see instantaneous results. His stimming behaviors actually got worse, and boy was he hyper.

But Dr. S told us that this is very common when you first rev up methylation, especially in a kid that is lacking in the process. So we stuck with it.

You can watch a video of how Anthony was behaving   here. I only post this because I want parents to realize where a child can be with only 1- 2 months of treatment, and how much better it can get. Watch the video I link to at end of post). However, when Anthony’s OAT’s test result came back (Nutr. Eval), Dr. S believed Anthony needed more than methly b- 1.

He believed that the supplement DMG would be more beneficial. When we started DMG, we again saw the increase in stimming behaviors, and hyperness. But this time, when they went away, Anthony had a word explosion! That word explosion all the mothers talk about happening to their children at 1.

DMG triggered that for Anthony at 3 1/2 years old. Even his speech therapist was a witness to it. Every word we said, Anthony could attempt. It was during this time, that we started to witness his drooling subsiding.

A stimming behavior that Anthony always did when he was excited or nervous. A few months later it was obvious that the DMG was working. We were seeing amazing changes in Anthony’s speech and his attention span. We also saw a new awareness in Anthony when it came to temperature. It was as if for the first time in his life, he could feel cold and warmth. This was the DMG Anthony was given: You can order it here at Spectrum supplements  Use Coupon Code: BIOMED for a discount. When we told Dr. S about all the new changes, he believed that moving Anthony up to TMG might help even more, since Anthony was obviously a responder.

Again we had the two weeks of hyperness and stimming behaviors (the drooling came back) but then Anthony’s speech took another huge jump, about a month after we put him on the TMG. He started talking in sentences! And again, his speech therapist was a witness to the big change and was amazed. Anthony was saying sentences like, “Read me book mommy” , “Mommy, sissy needs bunny”, ” I love Super Why”. Yes, this was a huge deal! Especially for a child that was completely non- verbal a few months earlier.   This is the TMG Anthony still takes: You can click on the pic above to go to Spectrum Supplement to order it. Use coupon Code: BIOMED for a discount.

We started Anthony on DMG in October of 2. February 2. 01. 2, Anthony was therapy free.

With only a little over a year of bio- medical treatment. Increasing methylation has been a huge part of Anthony’s recovery, and every day when I give Anthony his TMG, I look at that bottle and I know it is one of Anthony’s “silver bullets”. A pic of Anthony with his cousin Sierra.

Sierra” use to be one of Anthony’s stimmy words he would repeat to calm himself. If you watched the video I posted a link to above, then I urge you to watch this one, taken a month ago. The change is amazing! If your child is still non- verbal, or stalled out with healing, I highly suggest you talk to your doctor about methylation, and the options that are available.

And of course, ALWAYS talk to your doctor first before starting a new supplement. They are the ones that can tell you the exact dosage your child should be receiving for the best outcome, and if a new supplement is beneficial for your child’s unique situation.